Women in Tourism Skills Swap
The idea for our skills swap for Women in Tourism members was consolidated at our March 2017 networking and membership launch event.
It became clear that we had a room full of incredibly talented, experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the tourism sector, of different ages and at different stages in their careers.
On that evening, several guests, including many of the speakers, remarked that they really wished they had been able to access something similar to WIT in the early stages of their career.
Talking to many of the younger women who attended, it was clear that they had a keen interest in gaining expert advice from their more experienced industry colleagues – likewise, many of the highly experience professionals in the room were clear about sharing their skills and paying it forward at this stage of their career.
The skills swap for WIT members is a simple idea –you identify 3 key skills related to your sector that you believe you can offer another member, and if you wish, you also identify up to 3 skills that you would like to access in return.
Whether it’s sharing skills of digital marketing, the inside knowledge of setting up a B&B or getting advice about working in heritage tourism, it’s incredibly valuable to be able to exchange key skills and knowledge in this way with trusted professionals who are prepared to share, in a relaxed and informal way.
We understand that WIT members are giving up valuable time to engage in this, but we believe the skills swap is a valuable membership benefit and that it can be very powerful. We are keen to see how it works, and if successful, we’d also like to create some industry case studies.
All WIT members who wish to participate in the skills swap will shortly be invited to provide skills information and WIT will facilitate the matching of members and how the skills swap is developed.
Women in Tourism look forward to collaborating with members to get our first WIT Skills Swaps off the ground and to getting feedback from those participating.